Play your hand is a complete life course that dedicates itself to introducing the youth to the importance of self- awareness by mastering systems and protocols. Play Your hand integrates its curriculum to address issues of critical thinking and life skills. Outcomes will be achieved with the help of licensed professionals through the use of the STEM and DISC assessments. Drawing out each student’s strength is a core focus of Play Your Hand and is essential in maximizing the potential of every participant.
Self Awareness
The overall outcome of our completed course will help our audience not make decisions out of fear or the “possibilities” of what could happen, but rather off of their knowledge of their strengths, limitations, & values.
Our student’s STEM hands on project helps our audience learn simple steps that will make their vision come to life.
DISC Assessment
This tool will highlight four quadrants of behavior: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Cautiousness. This information helps break down how you tend to be in the driver seat of a situation, how you communicate with others, your pace as it relates to your self motor/ helping others around you, and how you follow instructions and protocol. This index will help you understand your behavioral style and how to maximize your potential.
Students will learn the basics of putting together a business plan, along with how to build brand awareness through marketing and social media tools.
The world over, the message is the same; If you're going to compete, if you want to win, if you're going to be #1, to stand out, if you're going to dominate, you need to get something you don't already have. Play Your Hand says; to compete, to win, to dominate, all you have to do is recognize what you already have and leverage that to get both what you want and need.
The concept behind Play Your Hand is simple; you already have what you need for success. Once you identify it, you can maximize it and produce on levels you never thought possible.
Success in the classroom, on the field, in the home, on the court, and in your career is down to making the right life choices all of the time. That sounds incredibly easy right off the bat but, most kids and adults haven't learned the principles of critical thought.
Each week, Professional athletes, actors, musicians and, people like you and me make the news because of routine, poor decision-making created by a lack of critical thought, which nurtures a behavioral style that produces overwhelmingly negative results. Play Your Hand is designed to identify and enforce the best decision-making behaviors that teach students about themselves and help them identify things and situations to avoid. Knowing who you are and what you're capable of makes making those life choices easier.
Creating critical thinkers is easier than reforming noncritical thought so, we're targeting school-aged children as our primary focus for the Play Your Hand program. Using the DISC Personality Assessment tool's principles, Play Your Hand breaks down each personality type in their Natural and Adaptive space; Spades are Decisive, Hearts are Interactive, Clubs are Stability, and Diamonds are Cautious.
The After School Play Your Hand program offers six modules designed to improve mental health and development. The Play Your Hand Plus segment includes all six of the after school modules and further includes our Play Your Hand Summer program, which features STEM training and entrepreneurial program featuring Digital Video Editing instruction, Stock Up- an Introduction to the Stock Market-what it is, how to invest, Basketball skills and, our Triple Double Academy plus sports program.
Play Your Hand Mentorship Program
The Play Your Hand Mentorship Program pairs students with personal mentors to provide a stable and supportive relationship where each student feels more connected and supported.
Through group workshops and 1-1 training sessions each student will receive a customized plan of success that they will be guided through as they participate in the Program.
Each workshop below will have a combination of weekly meetings, quarterly review sessions, scheduled meet-ups and access to life coaches who will ensure their needs are met.
Mental Health/ Self Awareness
Self-awareness is having a clear perception of your personality, including strengths, limitations, thoughts, beliefs, self-motivators, and emotions. With proven tools, we want to introduce our audience with resources that will help prepare them for life protocols.
It has been proved that having self-awareness is a characteristic of emotional intelligence and an important factor in achieving specific outcomes.
The overall outcome of our completed course will help our audience not make decisions out of fear or the “possibilities” of what could happen, but rather off of their knowledge of their strengths, limitations, & values. With learning these skills, it will help our audience to first identify the root of the situation and then add the proper solution to the situation at hand, the fruit.
Play Your Hand also provides additional support for students who are experiencing or have experienced homelessness, foster care, or other traumatic life events.
Play Your Hand is uniquely equipped to provide coping tools and mechanisms that will assist students in setting academic goals, build resilience, and strengthen their natural gifts and talents.
STEM/Business Training
Making Bank - Learn skills to start up and run your own business. Students will learn the basics of putting together a business plan, along with how to build brand awareness through marketing and social media tools. Business growth and development will also be a focus for the course. In addition, the students will have a hands on project that will strengthen their video editing skills.
Access to Opportunities
Not only will students focus on the above training and workshops they will be exposed to the following:
Triple Double Academy - We utilize the students love for sports to embed our educational and personal development resources creating a full circle experience.
Internships - Students will have the opportunity to build on their developing skills in a workplace environment.
Exposure Program - Students have the opportunity to travel locally and internationally to events such as the Super Bowl.